• 6344 Hajós, Kút tér 1.
  • +36 70 324 8800

It is surrounded by farmsteads. The 48 m tall tower of the Szent Anna Roman Catholic Church, located in the heart of the town, can be noted already from a distance by tourists arriving at Jánoshalma. The building, seen as today, was christened on 26th July 1788 in the honor of Szent Anna. Next to the church, in the place of the former market, is a beautiful park, where you can take a refreshing walk under the trees. Hidden among the buildings of the Rákóczi Ferenc road is the monument-like Synagogue (Jewish temple), with its entire original furnishing. There used to be some wind mills and dry mills on the settlement, but today only the Anna-mill in Jókai Street and the 1892 built and recently renovated windmill of the Doktor-telep exist. We recommend the Király horse ranch for everyone with a desire for riding or with intent to learn it.